How to validate your foreign credentials in ON

Were you aware that your credentials are not automatically accepted in Canada? Regardless of your immigration journey – either as international student, express entry, refugee, skilled workers, or Northern Pilot program, temporary residents or other – you have to prove what the degree you worked so hard for back home means in Canadian terms. It is even mandatory for some immigration processes. This post will focus on the initial step of that process, which is the revalidation or conversion of that degree – either undergraduate or graduate degree – into Canadian English.

The goal of this process is to re-express the content of your degree into Canadian standards, so employers and universities can understand what your degree entailed.

It has four stages:

  • Select your assessment service provider. There are specific ones – for example the Medical Council of Canada or the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada – and other several alternatives, such as:
  • Make sure that you review how your selected assessment service provider requests your academic record, since they have different requirements.
  • Request your educational institution your academic record. Depending on the assessment service provider, it may need to be sent directly. If that is the case, ask for a second copy for your translator!
  • Have it professionally translated by a certified translator in your province. In the case of Ontario, certified by ATIO (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario). This translation must meet the standards of your assessment service provider. At Malex Translations, we can assist you with this step.
  • Submit your academic record AND the academic translation to your assessment service provider in Canada.
  • After several weeks, you will get our ECA, or Educational Credential Assessment report.

If you need additional courses or certifications to practice your profession in Canada – in healthcare and engineering, for example – the ECA is your starting point.

So, as you can see, it takes time to get it done. Don’t waste your education and put it to good use for your success in Canada!

For official information from the Government of Canada, go to this link

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